A confused genius

By Lez11

Prolapsed anus

I overheard a commercial managing who I sit by saying he had to take his chicken to the vets and it had to stay in over night because it's got neumonia and a prolapsed anus. How random can you get?

There was also a debate about what is the definition of a cousin, neice and nephew? An Indian girl said that if your cousin had a baby boy or girl it would be her neice or nephew. No matter what was said to her she wouldnt have it.

Ive been enjoying the Olympics today since I've got back from work, 2gold and 2 bronze. It's so emotional to see British athletes win when they have the whole of the country cheering them on and it makes it so special when they finish in the medals.

I was chuffed to bits today when I finally got my hands on my v-festival tickets (pic) roll on 2 weeks time.

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