A day of further acclimatisation! Though I did manage to get some stuff up to my new website - I'd let the old one lapse, and virginmedia pulled the plug on the other, unbeknown to me.
I also started an utterly (yes, utterly) fascinating (yes, fascinating) book by TC Smout, the great historian, on the Firth of Forth. An environmental history. I may drop some snippets in from time to time. Like, seals were extinct in the Forth in Victorian times! There were no seagulls in Anstruther till recently! Holy moly.
Later, after the lecture, out we sallied to Shabistan for a triffic Persian meal.
The forecast is for the temperature to rise for the rest of the week. I may need to take to the water, like a huge extinct sea mammal, and stay there permanently.
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