Stupid everything!
Stupid ~Rain.... Pissed down all day long, got soaked twice walking the mutts!
Stupid computer.....It so male, it can only do one task at a time and stupid Picasa has filled up my h ard drive so have been all day shifting stuff onto an external drive then deleating off my hard drive and while its doing the the bloody thing cannot do any other tasks!
Stupid cold calls this time from Age Concern ! I was more polite and told them I was only 5 and home alone!
Stupid loft insulation people..who called at the house yesterday, hubby showed them the loft and they quickly left!
Stupid Road. Yet again the main route into Mid ARgyll is blocked by yet another landslide (in the middle of bloody so called summer!) When oh when are these folks involved in road building going to wake up and smell the coffee . All this talk about an Independant Scotland and we can't even keep a poxy road open! I don't give a monkeys who is running this lunatic counrty of ours , all I ask is that someone somewhere gets their finger oot and says lets sort the Rest & Be Thankfull once and for all. It is galling to see that the old bloody road which is infested with heards of cows, has never suffered a single landslip! yet the so called new road is now a huge big bloody joke! Im sick of hearing yes the old road can be fixed then the next week oh no it cant! I don't care... We can send folks to the bloody moon, yet we cant fix a piece of tarmac! Just fix the fecking thing and let us folks and our poor miserable soaked, hungry tourists travel in peace!
Bad day!
Happy blipping all
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