
By briocarioca

Spinning a disk

I bravely donned shorts and a polo shirt this morning (plus socks and tennis shoes to warm up my frozen feet) and headed out for 15 minutes of bone-preserving D3. By this time, blue skies had given way to grey, and later to deep purple, but the rain held off. Still, a brisk walk soothed my conscience and helped resign me to spending the rest of the day at the computer. I asked the lads in the photo what they were doing – they looked like a cross between weavers and DJs, but they were fixing the fibre optics, which are threaded round the things that look like CD carriers

HH is in the throes of sorting out his office and doing great work – and there’s much to do. He’s never had time to go through the stuff from the office he closed in 2001. I’m still ploughing through my translation – a sociological treatise, with terminology I'm ot familiar with and find far more testing than dry engineering papers.

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