Thirty Something (degrees Celsius)

I was in Malta a few months ago where the temperature shot up into the low thirties (Celsius) ... It felt very warm then, but I didn't have to work in it ... 
Today in Guernsey the temperature reached the dizzy heights of thirty something (depending on where you were in the island) ... but it felt a damn sight hotter than that when I was loading and off-loading the van with 25 kilo bags full of laundry ... Luckily, however, my van has got air-conditioning, so I was able to freeze between deliveries ... :o) 
This image was a bit of rush job, taken this evening as the sun was setting ... which, as we all know, is the second best time of the day to enjoy the sun ... but once again, it's made me late for bed ... (although I might find it easier to sleep in the air-conditioned cab of my van) ... :o)

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