
Dull and damp this morning so I zoomed into Bantry to purchase some tickets for the the church fashion show compered by Graham Norton, to be held at the end of the month! The last similar event was two years ago and I went with some friends and it was a riot. The ladies of Bantry were in their finery and most of the models were mums from school and Graham was suitably naughty. I scored huge brownie points for he saw me and came over and gave me a kiss!! Anyway, we're taking the chaps this time too - they'll be a bit outnumbered but they're men enough!

Skyped son number 2 who is in the middle of festival season, travelling around with the band Slamboree and taking loads of photos. The last festival was Kendal Calling and he was taken up in a cherry picker to get some amazing views. He was also allowed into the photographers' pit at the front of the stage which he said was a bit over-whelming - some seriously large lens and attitude to go with it! Take a peek at his work here.

The sun came out this afternoon - we abandoned everything and headed to the sea - bright and very breezy with some big waves. Daisies and camomile still abound and the heather is now out too.

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