Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Hot, hot, hot!

My goodness it was hot today - it got to 34C and England does not cope well with such temperatures as so few places have air conditioning.

I was up early as I had so much to do today - 9 loads in the washing machine that took 9 hours, essentially all day the washing machine has been whirring away! It is amazing how much laundry a family of 5 can generate over a 10 day holiday. Now to iron all of that in this heat....

The boys had eye tests, Thomas had a dentist appointment, I had physio, and then a I did some grocery shopping - as fast as the boys were throwing in exotic items, sushi and other unnecessary things I was taking them out again. Note to self - don't let them come shopping with you again! 

It was so hot today I did not feel like doing anything. The village was strangely very quiet, with many available parking spaces and no one out on the streets as it was just too hot - no one, except a few young boys who were obviously chasing Pokémons up and down the street. While the boys were having their eyes tested I wandered down to the river, even the ducks had disappeared in this heat. This looked so cool and if you look carefully you can see someone relaxing on the grass in the shade of the large willow tree - she had the right idea today.

Adam has made dinner for me and I had better crack on with that ironing now....

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