Over Yonder

By Stoffel


My Dear Fellow,

It is hot in Edinburgh today. Granted, not Bahamas-hot, nor Nevada-hot, nor even Wiesbaden-office-worker hot. But it is hot for here. And we are not used to it.

As far as I am concerned it is shave-me-naked-and-throw-me-in-a-tub-of-Calippos-hot.

It didn't help that I've been in a stuffy hotel meeting room all day talking about marketing. Marketing. I ask you.

But now I am home. I've had a shower to wash away the hot sticky marketing smell and have put on both of my "Arctic Breeze" fans while I eat a Raspberry Magnum ice-cream.

This reminds me of the occasion when Er Indoor's best mate was so hot in her flat in London that she sat in front of her big fan while eating an entire box of tropical ice-blocks. 

She got up after a couple of hours of this only to find that the fan had been blowing ice-block droplets of syrup behind her, leaving a neat little silhouette of her profile painted in orange goop on the wall.

So just the one Raspberry Magnum for me then.

El Parsones

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