Out of the Clear Blue Sky

I was waging war with the Marchantia (digging the stuff out now) in the brief cool of this morning when four military aircraft flew over the house. We are used to this as Dumfries and Galloway is often used as an area for military exercises, but these planes were of a kind I'd never seen before. D, who for all his pacifist tendencies is something of an expert on military stuff, could tell me straight away that they were US Air Force A-10s, commonly known as Warthogs. He then went on to tell me what they were used for and it didn't make for pleasant listening.

I was already feeling upset this morning about the result of last night's vote on renewing Trident. If you have followed my Blip for a long time you will know that I have visited Hiroshima and have been on an anti Trident march from Holyrood to Faslane. I find it especially galling that this vote has been used (amongst other things) as a protest against Jeremy Corbyn.

I don't usually do political posts but feel very strongly about this. I'm pleased to say that my MP voted against the motion (as did all but one of the Scots MPs at Westminster). And here is Mhairi Black explaining why.

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