Growing old disgracefully



Today was a bit of a challenge, as those who know our situation will appreciate. We spent the morning putting up posters in local venues advertising my autumn classes. It would be rude to use a cafe notice board without ordering at least a coffee, if not a date slice or even some smoked salmon, cream cheese and pasta. We returned replete and are not sure if we will ever want to eat again.

The rain dried up so I spent some time working up an appetite in the garden, while the Professor made some wholesome soup. I was planting out biennials in the space where the potatoes are being harvested - there won't be room for them in their final flowering positions until the herbaceous borders die back in autumn.

Quick dash at the end of the evening to see a pal off at the airport. We live 10 minutes from the airport - far enough to be unaffected by noise, but near enough to enjoy taking people and meeting them when they come back. We spent half an hour in Starbucks, where I was tempted by the brownies but RESISTED!!!

Weather forecast for tomorrow
Loving messages from family and friends
The scent of my sweet peas

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