Pinch punch...
first of the month... happy August :D
My Momsie is here for 'snack' Wednesday...... she also let Lucy have her birthday presents from her and Dad and Uncle Bob....Lucy is now the proud owner of a cup cake maker and a decorating thingy that came with it...and here she is (well her hands) decorating her first cakes ... the little machine is ever so good !!! she also has a Hello Kitty little doll house which is quite sweet.
So for the 'snack' low down....Sandwiches,Mother had prawn something or other and I had Ham,cream cheese and vine thingy tom's .... very nice...then... well,we had to test some of Lucy's cakes,also we had some melt in the mouth cookie/crumble biscuits with pistachio and cranberry and some thing else lobbed in and THEN we had family packet of Cadbury chocolate fingers..... and guess what,we have a another pack ;) time for a cuppa I think .......................................
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