As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

"It's My Super Sweet Sixteen!"

Today was Kaitlin's super sweet sixteen! Her, Lindsey, Alyssa, Avery, Paige, Mike, Kenny, and I took a limo to the Jersey Shore to hang out at Casino Pier and the boardwalk for the day. We went on all of these carnival-type ride things, we went go-carting, and we searched for YOLO pinnies along the boardwalk. We were unsuccessful in our hunt for a reasonably priced pinnie, so we ended up with matching bracelets instead. We went to dinner at a nice restaurant a little north of Seaside Heights. The ride home was fun and I had a great day. I hope Kaitlin did too!

Water flowing by
The ocean breeze is so nice
Super sweet sixteen

Word of the Day: Usageaster - A self-styled authority on language usage

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