Mono Monday Challenge: Communication
An excellent evening last night; Giles Brandreth was very funny and entertaining, and W was sitting next to someone famous; think grey hair, 'Countdown' and 'The Apprentice'!
For Skeena's MM challenge of Communication, this picture actually represents 'lack of'. For about a year I have been trying to get a builder to do some work on my chimney. Not a massive job, but essential, as I have some loose bricks up there which could come down in a storm. I have phoned and e-mailed people asking for quotes only for them not to get back to me, but in April I finally got someone to come round and look at the job. After about four weeks he came up with a quote, which although high, I accepted so I could get the job done. I didn't hear anything more for about five weeks until I finally got a phone call; he could do the job on Monday 18th July. Today.
You know when you get that feeling? That feeling that during the phone call he didn't sound over-enthusiastic? That feeling that it was all going to go wrong? That feeling when you are sitting waiting for someone to turn up? I gave him until 10.00am and then called his mobile, then his landline; both went to answerphone. I texted. It's now after 6pm and I've not heard anything from him. So it's back to the drawing board. Take note anyone in the MK area; don't rely on this guy!
W managed to collar a builder who had arrived at the local school and asked him for a quote, and we've hopefully got another local one coming round on Saturday. Fingers crossed!
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