Life on Mars
The Boss thought of this when he spotted these ?? on the waterfront this morning.
They are actually light features but sometimes he just can’t help himself.
He seems to remember that there was a television series of that name but it didn’t have any aliens in it just an old detective I think.
The early light is a great inducement to get out before breakfast and especially when it is 10 C rather than - something back home.
There was a lively Southerly blowing this morning and we get a wee bit of shelter from the hills but out in Cooks Strait this morning there was 7.5 metre swells and while a lot of folk were losing their breakfast one of the ferries lost a complete truck overboard when the attachments let go.
Opps as they say in the trade…
Oh and for those who don't live in Wellington and don't know about Southerlies there is a iPhone pic in extras.
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