A life in pictures...

By GuernseyNix

Amazing day

Today we went to Sark. We go every year to visit friends who spend two weeks there each summer. The weather has been picture perfect and I have so many blips to choose from that I'm going to add a few extras. We sat outside on the boat and just behind Jethou, I thought I saw a puffin in the water. I wasn't quick enough to catch it. A few minutes later, I saw a couple more, about 40m away. This time I was ready, blip sorted. I have never been able to catch a puffin before so I am/was delighted. 
Then, out of nowhere,  a pod of dolphins appeared. Excitement levels through the roof!!  I managed to capture a few shots at a distance, the boat slowed right down and the dolphins were following two ribs and jumping out of the water.
The P and O ship Britannia, was also visiting Guernsey today, so that is also an extra, as is the Barclay Brothers' castle on Brecqhou.
Some days, one blip is not enough.

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