Sunday leisure

Felt surely like holiday today.

Did wake up late and after breakfast we left to hunt Pokemons with the Pokemon Go apps - me and my daughter and her boyfriend. My son did go bicyling after Pokemons with his friends. My husband gently thinks that we have all gone mad.

After a good 1,5hours PokeCycling trip I had to take a shower and then packed dirty carpets into car trunk. It took me almost 3 hours to wash half of them. Sunny, lovely, some +20c. Great! My daughter with her friend came and helped me with the biggest carpet. Four done (before the light rain in the evening).

I wonder if my mum or my step-mum would need any help with carpet washing.. maybe I'll ask as I soon have washed all our own carpets.

Hubby's back was not too good again tomorrow, but after some medication he left motorcycling.

In the evening a movie. Pretty woman. One of my favourites, I know this by heart, seen it maybe eight times. I like Richard Gere and Julian Roberts. Always have.

Thanks a lot for your attention lately, chatting and comments, stars even!


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