Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104

Mum's Garden

It's turned out to be a nice day after all.
Went to my parents for lunch with my husband, brother and 2 nieces.
They are full of this new Pokémon Go game - every few minutes one of their phones would buzz and off they would least it kept them busy and for once they played nicely together.
Mum's garden is looking really nice, with some interesting flowers in bloom. Here are some marguerites - a large daisy like shrub.

Oh, and of course I can't not mention the fantastic achievement of the British Davis Cup team beating Serbia without Andy Murray even playing - fantastic!

Hope everyone has had a great Sunday and enjoyed some sun - I believe we have a mini-heatwave coming on Tuesday!
As usual, I won't be here to experience it and it will be over by the time I come back from Russia on's not looking so good over there in Moscow :(

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