East Coasting

By OzBeachcomber

Stairway to nowhere at the moment

I went into Pippi Beach for a walk a bit earlier today as late yesterday the tide was right in and pounding on what has become sand cliffs all along the beach. Where there were many tracks and stairs leading to and from the beach through the sand dunes, the big seas and high tides have eroded all that away, except for a couple of spots where you can still get up and down, and left huge steep sand cliffs. It is now very easy to get trapped down on the beach at high tide if not careful, and not be able to get back up unless you can get to one of the tracks.

This shot is taken when I came back up from the beach and shows one of the stairways that have been partially washed away. Where it is blocked off is now a sheer drop of about 8-10 ft although it doesn't look it from the photo.You can just see a little dog on the other side of the barrier - he has scampered up from somewhere but no sight of his master who must be down below on the beach.

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