Common Blue (male)

It's been another beautiful day, apart from the fact that our friend left us to wend her way up to Bristol to spend a couple of days with her sister.  They're going to see 'Ab Fab' the film, this evening.  Would love to see it myself at some point. 

Mr T mowed the lawns again at the Farmhouse and I had a return trip to Truro to get a replacement for an item I purchased on Wednesday which when I got it out of its box it didn't do what it said on the tin, but it was replaced without a murmur by the gorgeous girls on the 'Benefit' Beauty counter who gave me a complete 'make-over' to compensate!!   Glad I was back at the Farmhouse in plenty of time to enjoy the rest of the gorgeous afternoon and early evening to just relax in the garden and watch the energetic bees, butterflies and birds about their business. 

Actually, there are not half as many butterflies or birds in the garden as there were last year when there was an abundance of tits of all kinds, Goldfinches, Jays and Woodpeckers and those very pesky squirrels!!. 

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