Life Dancing

By lifedancing

Knees up

Long shorts or short longs, am never quite sure.
The main thing is, the sun was shining.

Tried some manual shots today but this was the only shot that wasn't a complete blur!
Otherwise a good day.

Have been dealing with an ongoing legal matter for some years now.
The issue is to do with greed (not mine!) and goes to the heart of how much devastation people are prepared to inflict to line their own pockets.
Myself and others were put in a position where we were expected to just roll over and meet the excessive demands of someone who is clearly used to getting their own way.
We stood our ground but it's been time consuming and tough at times to balance dealing with this and well, the rest of life, really.

In a recent interview in the Guardian, the artist/ comic book creator
Daniel Clowes was asked what was his greatest fear.
his reply:
"Being drawn into some endless time-draining bureaucratic scenario - a lawsuit for example"

Thankfully there's no lawsuit (yet) but the rest of it I can definitely relate to.

During the past few days came the realisation that one particular aspect wasn't worth the grief.
It will cost but sometimes you have to lose the battle to win the war, no?

It's a relief...and maybe now, a bit of breathing space to pick up some threads that have been put aside during all of this.

Met up - all too briefly - with an inspiring mind in Glasgow this afternoon and then worked with a great group this evening.

I count my blessings...and not too long now before heading off to touch base with loved ones, favourite places, reconnect with some old colleagues ...and what really matters.

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