investigations of a dag

By kasty

clinging on for dear life

so much to do so little time..
but I'm glad I made time for a swim in the sunlit glenogle baths with the usual crew and some cake round Adomis's new house with G.

I moaned at G a lot. With my constantly verbalised to do lists I am incredibly tedious company at the moment. Adomis's new flat is lovely, somehow seeing that made me realise that the big changes coming could be great. I need to savour the excitement more and stop losing it in whirlwind of stress and planning. Plus he feeds us the most amazing Lithuanian cake. I leave signficantly re-energised

I get through some more funding applications, start preparing the essays, volunteer for the inky fingers mini fest and sign up for a summer school on one of my favourite authors happening later in the week. At some point I need to get round to actually writing and reading the course text books..

owell, carpe dieum..

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