Checking the news just before you go to bed is often a bad idea. Last night it left me lying awake working out strategies to survive such attacks. Not a restful night. By morning the death toll had more than doubled. Just horrible. How can we protect ourselves against that?
I was up early, so was at least reasonably composed to discuss it with the kids. It feels very close to us all.
But, life does, of course, go on. Today's life was mainly about CarbBoy having a friend over, and when one small boy appears, so the others will surely follow... TallGirl hid in her room all day, and I hid in whichever room was off-limits for nerf-wars. Not even a proper Tour de France stage to distract me.
Later, lots of pasta, a long call with Mr B, and then with my Mam - with no unpleasantness on either side (so hopefully the last few calls are just a blip...) Now I need to try and persuade two boys who are in Minecraft (while officially watching a movie*) that it's time for bed for me - and therefore for them.
And I see there's a coup in Turkey. Anyone remember Silly Season with fondness?
* Bourne Identity. CarbBoy persuaded me that Deadpool was a good movie to buy - but then I checked it on (or whatever) and decided against showing it to an 11 year old who is not mine. I will let CarbBoy watch it with Mr B, who can then explain about stripclubs and (apparently) strap-ons. Actually, on reflection, maybe I should be the explainer...
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