The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

I bought a car!

A friend of friend kindly agreed to help me buy a second hand car to replace my van which is just costing too much to keep on the road. He suggested a Nissan Qashqai, and last night I finally found one locally, slightly stretching my budget, but with a low mileage. Unfortunately John is unwell so I had to go on my own. I had a test drive - Maisie was in the back and promptly lay down and fell asleep which has to be a good sign!

Anyway  - after a little discussion about how much trade in they'd give me on the van - I bought it! Eeek!

It needs valeting and a bit of touching up (it has only just come in to the garage) .. and I collect it next week - just in time to save me having to tax and MOT the van - hoorah!

My blip is Mama and THS this morning - my extra is a car that looks like the one I just bought!

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