
By TBay

And the rain came!

Grrrrr, more rain! Well drizzling sort of stuff. Just enough to stop any useful activities outside. Mr Tbay very annoyed as he is champing at the bit to cut more grass before Sunday.

Farming - Two on compost and the silage team out at a very difficult farm. A concrete gate post so well hidden by weeds brambles etc caught Rusty unawares and as a result we have a bent rake. Rusty was very cross especially after the farmer then said "oh yes I had forgotten to warn you about that, and there is an easier entrance you should have really gone through" . Hmmmmm. Rake bits at the rake doctor but will be back in action in the morning!!

Office work for me first thing then general domestic duties preparing for Sunday. I think we are winning. I seem to have lists of lists of lists of lists!!

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