
By atoll

Yellow & Blues

Pretty successful day today running a workshop for 20 local artists in Peel. The venue selected was the lounge of the Deanery of Peel Cathedral - home of the Very Reverend Nigel Godfrey. Got to be the most unusual meeting room, being surrounded by all his religious iconography and domestic knick-knacks. Nigel is lovely, but is a little eccentric, and reminds me of the charming character Reverend Smallbone in the comedy series Rev.

Had a late night last night with Noah and Matt, staying up to 1am making up sandwiches for todays lunches with the artists. We don't have much of an expenses budget, but we felt that everyone seemed to appreciated the home made touch last time in Laxey. Not sure about Noah's Cheese and Humuus veggie combo sandwich though.

The workshop and walkabout today finished about 5pm, and then when everyone had left we organisers had a lovely sunny walk around the harbour and Peel Castle. I love the creative feel of Peel, and would move there tomorrow if I could afford a house and find enough work.

This is a shot of some beautiful yellow lichen, that I thought nicely balanced some yellow fishing boats in the distance. It really was that vibrant a yellow in the bright sunshine. Thought I would manipulate the shot with some iPhoto cropping though.

We then had a few too many beers and the odd whiskey tonight. Not a good prospect for a clear head.

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