Tuesday: Cool Cat

K. had to go to the dentist today and ended up having a tooth extracted.  There now also follows a fairly lengthy course of treatment too.  Imagine my surprise when she texted me to say that her prescription said that she must have a beer for the shock.  Who am I to question the methods of the local dentists so off I went to meet the poor thing.

We went to a very nice place near the dentist's (how handy!).  There was a lot of sculpture in the garden and, as I was taking photos, two young guys began chatting with us and told us that the garden belonged to the art school.  They said that if we went round the back we would be able to see lots of half finished sculptures.

So off we trotted round the back and they were right.  There was some really interesting art in progress, as well as an old mangle.  Anyone need an old mangle?  I know where you can get one.


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