Hobbs's Run

By hobbs


Here I am. I am sitting and wondering what to blip. I know ... I'll do another CUSL product pic. That's "close up still life" pic with a potentially commercial application (for the uninitiated). Anyway I was tired and I felt like a quick and trouble-free result. This'll only take a second.  I'd be blowed if I am gonna dig out the lights and the table-top studio. I just want to go back to the television.

Okay then .. position the desk lamp just so. Nah ... I need another light. What about the torch in my cupboard ... too harsh ... add the paper napkin in front of the light ... still too harsh ... tear off and stick up a page from my notebook ... add the torch from my key ring on the other side (20 minutes have now passed). I have the distinct feeling that it would have been quicker to set up the studio. The glass is too low ... I need to fish around for a dark item which can raise the glass relative to the scotch label. (20 more minutes have now passed and 10 more frames have been actuated). That's it .. no more!!  For better or worse ... up it goes. I really do hope that you like it. Bummer ... the TV show has finished now.

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