Thermal Wonders

Screened by Manuka
Sunlit steam swirls restlessly
Heated underground

Thank you all very much for the comments, stars & hearts you left for my 500th blip.  I am smiling and just a little proud you like my journal.  Riwaka7 commented that I'm now a permanent piece of the blip community.  She is right I'm completely hooked. So here I go towards 730 blips, one image at a time.
Between showers I caught the sunlight on this thermal pool in Kuirau Park.  A Maori legend explains the water is hot because a beautiful young woman named Kuirau was bathing in the lake when a taniwha (water monster) dragged her to his liar below the lake.  The gods were angered and made the lake boil so the Taniwha would be destroyed.  From that time on the bubbling lake and the steaming land around it have been known by the name of the lost women.
It is school holidays and I am spending this week getting my planning for next term done.  Somehow I have to create art activities with a connection to the Olympics.  

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