Temple Tours

By wakakajennie

500 razer sharp teeth

First things first. Rudy is mightily upset that I have doctored this image in order to 'cleverly' satisfy my urgent, unprepared need to find a 500.

Graet white sharks only have 300 razer sharp teeth. Ok. Now, that's cleared up I am not sure what else to say.

I love the middle nothing space - the place where I often* find myself in. A moment of not being anything. Quite often these are the moments that when they come into focus, I find they are the moments that I want to remember.

*when I say 'often', I don't mean a pre-children often. In fact, I don't think I even mean a post-children often. I think that I mean this staring into middle nothing space is something that I really recognise these days, and it happens often throughout the day, quite often when I am surrounded by people (children; students; fellow bus passengers) and these moments in company, where I drift off (daydream?) are like studio substitutes.

Moments of accompanied solitariness.

I am sure this is becoming rambling and I need one of my more erudite friends (i.e. you guys) to explain this phenomenon.

I like being by myself. And for this reason, I like this moment of making a picture and making some words. Hmmm. I shall stop here for now xxx

PS. After a successful week of e-bay sales I am now able to renew my membership. Woo. Hoo. Look at that Graet White Shark BIG - and that Spinosauraus does have a heart.

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