Adam's Images

By ajt

You're a brick!

Actually you're a London Brick Company (LBC) Phorpres brick to be precise. Apparently phorpress is a play on words as it is a kind of brick that was pressed four ways (four press), earlier bricks only being pressed two ways.

LBC are apparently the largest brick company in the UK, though these days they are no longer independent and they are part of Hanson.

I didn't grow up with these bricks, up north houses were built of real stuff: milestone grit (a kind of rough sandstone) or if you were poor Accrington Brick (aka NORI bricks). Nori is also a play on words, it's Iron backwards as Accy bricks were iron hard... Nori bricks form the foundations of Blackpool tower and the Empire State Building, if you believe wikipedia. As with LBC they are now owned by Hanson.

Anyway another dull day at work, came home and decided I wouldn't blip another flower so this brick holding some a weed suppressing membrane down was my choice for the day. I've photographed it several times over the last few days but each try was either rubbish or there was a much more interesting picture to blip.

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