Police Problems in Pokemon Paradise

Evidently, the game of Pokémon has made a comeback. Before starting to type, I spent 5-10 minutes on Wikipedia reading about the phone app...and I'm still confused. But, our downtown is saturated with Pokémon players...and that has led to problems. Why?

Because the "kids" want to play in the downtown areas (that are parks) after the sun goes down, and our city has curfews for those places.

So, the local news station showed up...Channel 5. I overheard some of the conversation.

"What are you guys doing?"

"We're just hanging out, and playing Pokémon."

"What do you think of the curfew?"

"I can't believe that the cops kick us out of here. I'm 31 years old. You really think I need a curfew?"

Sheesh! Too many thoughts come into my 63 year old mind, but I'll only share 2 of them (and try not to pick on the 31 year old.)


1. Back in the old days (OH NO! ANOTHER OLD GUY RANT!), we stayed outside playing baseball, football, kickball, etc., until the sun went down. When you couldn't see any longer...you went in. In my mind, cell phones have ruined everything (or, at least many things!)
2. I have some minor issues with the local news stations. With all of the issues going on in our state, region, and country...we're going to send a reporter/cameraman to cover the Pokémon curfew problem?


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