Reaching For The Sky, Aylesford

This is a field very close to where I live but that I only discovered a couple of months ago while out on a run! It's at the end of an industrial estate in my village and as you can see the farmer is growing wheat this year. I loved this giant plant at the edge of the crop reaching up for the sky and how it looked against the darkening clouds. By the time I got to the site of today's extra shot it was pissing it down but, of course, I didn't have an umbrella with me so I got soaked! My one fear is that because of it's location close to the motorway it will be yet another site that will eventually be lost to yet more housing.
I have just finished reading an excellent book called Eyes Wide Open by Mario Calabresi in which he interviews photographers. It included an interview with Paul  Fusco who was on the funeral train of the assassinated Robert Kennedy as his coffin was taken from New York to Washington. The photographs are of the thousands of people that lined the route to pay their respects and they are so fascinating and emotionally involving.What was amazing to learn was they weren't published at the time and it wasn't until much later in the 1980's that there significance was fully appreciated.

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