Aperture on Life

By SheenaghMclaren

Downpour of Ice

The hail came down causing the young steers bolted for cover. They are hardly visible through the falling ice. Shame I only had a 100mm lens on the camera.  That was some downpour! It wasn't a great photo and I'm not sure it's any better in Black and White.  Anyway, that is what I'll remember from the day.

As suddenly as it came it stopped, but the weather has been grim all day with frequent showers and only sporadic glimpses of blue sky. 

Fortunately I'd already walked the mutts in anticipation of another busy day. I got a couple of images of Ringlets, saw a White Admiral fly by to fast to focus on and a Silver Washed Fritillery that posed for long enough to get a bad shot as it was fairly damages and I was just too far away. One of the Ringlets is posted as a bonus. It would probably have made the better blip but never mind. 

My apologies if you don't see me commenting much. For commitment,  I have to be ungenerous with my time at the moment. Thank you everyone for showering stars and hearts.  They are very much appreciated.  

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