Sa Penya Treasure

A really good start to the week...Spanish language study, prayer walk with Danny (where I took this pic), collecting washing from our friends on the streets (including a thick blanket & coat!!!), an unexpected trip to the cinema to see 'Buscando Dory'...and later an evening in with Danny...though he's meeting a new student before.

The extra pic is the Cathedral from halfway up Sa Penya... Pacha decorate the entire town on Mondays to promote their club night, Flower Power.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Bumping into all sorts of people today - love that moment when you unexpectedly see someone & you both light up, it's like filling up with joy!
2) The cinema (or 'cinnamon' as Asha keep calling it!) being much more affordable than we'd feared - for 3 of us it cost what it would cost one of us in the UK...good for our Spanish too! 
3) Incredible coincidences & generous people. 

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