Footprints in the Sand

By JustKeepSwimmin

A Reoccurring Theme

Ah so now I've been in the land of Taiwan for a few days now. I've met the locals, made friends with the other participants, and even kind of gotten used to the ridiculously hot weather here! (Well spending the majority of my time in air-conditioned rooms really helped.)

Ah well so today I ate like a ridiculous amount of food. This morning we went to a buffet. Then we went to a dragon fruit farm where we ate a ton of shaved ice topped with dragon fruit and something jam (on a side note my uhh number two did the thing people said it would after eating dragon fruit). Lunch we had a typical Chinese family spiny table lunch with like 4 dishes of fish. Needless to say I was quite full after a buffet and four dishes of fish but this was just the beginning.

Directly after lunch the camp took us to a tea factory where a tour guide explained the history of Famosa Tea Company (unfortunately he only spoke Chinese so I understood a good 10% of it). He then gave us a ton of tea to drink and needless to say I obliged because you know we couldn't possibly get any more after this right?

Sucks. We went to a (I think my Chinese isn't too good hah...) grass jelly thing factory where we were given two buttloads of black jelly pudding and you know I didn't want to be that guy who didn't finish.

Then I had a bento for dinner...

Sighh I'm full...

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