Close Encounters

End of week one of our holidays and the household was disbanding to go their separate ways. It's been a lovely week with the gang and we will miss them. But already planning for next summer - Devon or South Wales for surf (and sun?).
this is the start of week 2 of our hols - but the weather up in the west of scotland is looking grim for camping. So various plan options were tabled, and finally decided we would head home. But not before a final paddle out on the sea from Glen Uig. This was actually our first outing alone in the sea kayaks. The weather was hardly glorious but the sea was flat calm and the tide and wind in our favour. We were able to paddle along quietly and enjoy the company of some seals. But the best encounters were with otters. The first took the teenager by surprise by popping up out of the water right next to his boat. The second was swimming around only meters from us and then scrambled up on to the rocky shore.

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