1000.... Oooh!
These pictures represent nearly 3 years of living and working in Cloughjordan as a self employed community midwife . Every photo is filled with unique and incredible memories for me and I have only to look them to restore my resolve during difficult times. Mother Nature is astonishing and my faith in nature grows stronger with every birth I'm part of . I have learnt so much from these wonderful women who trustes
in themselves , in their bodies abilities to birth babies gently and calmly. Everything is linked to together so perfectly in nature when pregnancy, labour and birth is allowed to unfold in a safe and uninterrupted environment. It took coming out of a hospital environment for over 20 years and thinking I'd seen it all, to really learn how to truly be a midwife and understand about how to support, protect and nurture normal births. I'm so glad I did.
I have had a thousand magic moments with the women and families in these pictures and I'm grateful to look at the joy in those faces. I can't imagine that I would have taken he photos had I not been introduced to blip by Lisa via Amanda . It's a great resource and talking point to all the couples who come to my room - it absolutely wouldn't be the same without them adorning the walls in their slightly hapapzpard way!
Thanks to all the blippers who have left messages, stars and hearts over donkeys years it's taken me to get this far. I've met many a blipper in a fair few countries and it's always been such a good connection X
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