
One of A's favourite things is buses so when we saw there was a bus rally on this weekend we just had to go!

G&G came and picked us up (Mr J has been at the formula one getting sunburnt) and we made our way into town to get the free bus to the bus rally. We had a cake and coffee when we arrived before looking at all the vehicles on display. Some of the buses we were allowed on and the children even got to sit in the driving seat of one and press the horn! The children had so much fun running around seeing everything.

We came home for a late lunch and G&G built A's new wardrobe whilst I took P to her swimming lessons. When we got home she asked to go to bed and slept for two hours which is most unlike her. Without the usual distractions at the dinner table A asked for seconds of his gruffalo (cottage) pie for tea!

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