Coast Walk
A quiet morning, catching up with a few things. The weather wasn’t very promising, grey and damp, so I made a pot of soup using up odds and ends in the fridge for lunch. The rain got heaver, but by the afternoon it wasn’t quite as bad. We headed to Tyninghame for a walk. We started off in the rain and ended up in glorious sunshine, but the time we got home it was raining again. It was a lovely walk – the tide was well out and the wind of the past few days had dropped, and when the sun appeared we had to strip a few layers off.
TT barbequed in the drizzle – which soon went off – with only a bottle of red wine for company, as we were all in the house!
The boys have been watching the football, so I went for a walk round the block.
Here they all are at Tyninghame – still in our rain coats at this point (BB is very taken with granny and granddad's matching rain coats)! Once we were down to tee shirts the black clouds in the extra appeared.
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