Reikes small life...

By Reike

"Passing" the weekend, Grimselpass - Sidelhorn

This weekend we drove up and down three mountain passes, the Brünig pass, the Grimselpass, the Furkapass. 

This is day one where we hiked up the Sidelhorn (2764m) from the Grimselpass. 
Splendid weather, so many great views of mountains, lakes and glaciers, what would we want more? 
(Maybe less marmot sightings by Djeili)

For the night we drove up a mountain road to a glacial lake, where we camped for the night (see extra no.2) after walking a bit closer to the glacier. Magic. 

(And yes, you can get that kind of awesome camping for free in Switzerland, including neat toilets.)

Lots of pictures here

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