Another Day To Celebrate .

Today I'd like to say many thanks to all who enjoyed seeing my 500 milestone blip as much as I enjoyed making it :) x
This day  is special  in as much as years ago on July 10th I entered life's stage in a cinema.  It's been a laugh ever since.
What to do on your birthday when it's 32°, & your bike plus swimming are off limits :You go to Tegeler See and meet the Canada Geese , listen to a great concert , and feel the gentle breeze blowing over the water . Oh there were lots of my favourite birds. Here you see a few  .One takes the plunge whilst others line  up to watch .Another came up to me and posed .It had white eye brows .Never seen this before .Then a sleepy head dozing in the sun.Note the breeze ruffling the feathers..There is a Richard III here too. One foot is clearly damaged but he seems to get by . Many are ringed .As ever it was a joy and a wonderful gathering .They were extremely sociable .My extras show Alt Tegel Church and what else .?.
A birthday ice .You can guess where and it was such fun in good company .

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