the edges of my life

By raej

Hanoi time

Just finished an 8 day shift and all I want to do is sleep - but off early to physio in Hanoi and it was one of those days. First Mr Vinh (our local taxi driver) broke his horn which to a vietnamese driver is like having a limb amputated. So a stop at the mechanic, then petrol then toll permits and I'm late and then the skies open and I'm trudging thru one of Hanoi's gutter flash floods (water swirling around my legs - including sewage, rubbish and the occasional rat)....and then of course when I've done my supplies shop and am sitting by the road waiting for Mr. V I get a call from the translators to say he's broken down.... Yup one of those days..... Maybe I should say this is a sp? :)

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