Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Brighde it's your birthday.

Well, after all that excitement. I'm a bit pooped really!

Friday was just lovely, all my friends came out to celebrate with me and it was amazing how they all turned up! I couldn't believe it, no one got lost or didn't have a drink at some point. Went surprisingly smoothly, which was great.

Saturday was also amazing, shopping through the day with Lee was stressful as I couldn't find a dress. Typical really, but h&m sizes are SHOCKING. I am a solid size 14 and I couldn't zip up a dress and I was bulging out the holes in the sides. Not a good look. Friday's dress however was spectacular, which is what you can see above. I went out with my family last night for an Indian meal and it was so good. I wanted to eat it again and again. But unfortunately it's back to reality. Back to Manchester and back to work tomorrow. It's not all bad really, it's the final of the football tonight and too not either get frustrated about how pansy like the players are or the fact they fanny about, we are getting pizza. A sort of end of birthday weekend celebration blow out.

Happy blipping.

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