Look what I found growing in my garden.

I looked out of the kitchen window this afternoon and saw Blackie asleep in a plant pot.  I went out with some food for him.  I shouted his name and he woke up with a start.  He must have been really fast asleep.  He did stir himself to come for the food and went back to his pot afterwards.  What a life.

Neil only had a little shift at work today from 6pm till 10pm so he spent a relaxing day here just watching The Tour de France.  I went to Ikea, Pets at Home and Asda.  Got a few things in each shop.  Ikea was packed.

It was a rainy morning but it was fine and warm this afternoon.  No sunshine though.

I am going to a family barbecue in Loughborough at the end of the month - organised by Mike's Mam and Dad.  Becky and Mike will be there as well as Mike's sister, her husband and their 3 children.  So this evening I am going to book my train tickets.  Its nice to have a little trip to look forward to.  Neil will be in Dublin that weekend so I will get the cat sitter to pop in a couple of times.

Steps today 9,467

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