Country run and or walk for Charity

Today I was awoken at 5.00 am! The early start was due to having to travel to Haernetsburg - about 80k away from the farm - where there was to be a 21k run / 10k run or walk and a 5k walk. Y&D had agreed to take part in the 5k walk - I declined knowing my limitations especially on roughish veld grass! It was decidedly chilly when we left the farm and got to the town, but by 10 am it was beautifully warm. These lads were giving a wonderful display of marimba playing, entertaining the crowd whilst we waited for the first runners to arrive. It was a fabulous day and hopefully raised a substantial amount for the good causes supported by the Rotary up in Haernetsburg.  Home again to feed the game before heading for the G&T!
The extra is of Dave and Yvonne before the start of their walk.

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