Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady


Sisse is a German Wirehaired Pointer and lives in Denmark. She is here with her owners on holiday in their log cabin they own. We met them last year and are slowly getting to know them. Unfortunately Sisse's dad is very ill and was whisked off to hospital this morning so we offered to look after her. We hadnt actually met her before! She was quite stressed when we got her and after a get to know you walk with the pack she settled down on her bed next to husband and had a sleep. She seems perkier this afternoon and brave sole is taking it all in her stride. I feel sorry that I dont talk her language but can see that she responds to tone of voice regardless of what i say.

Changeover day and they were remarkably clean which im pleased about as Im tired. Having lighting issues in one of the bathrooms, first I thought it was all 3 bulbs had gone and wasted an hour going round shops (i make it sound like there are many shops, I looked in our village and the next closest 8 miles away!) looking for replacement. Didnt actually realise there was ANOTHER type of bulb in the cottages. When I got back having not found any of the type i tried the switch and it came on after a full pulls on the chord. So looks like electrician required for this one.

16c heavy heavy rain followed by heavy rain showers.

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