All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Farewell Center Parcs

The kids were sad to be leaving Center Parcs today as they've really enjoyed the week there. I took Ethan and Eden to the Pancake House for brunch while the others packed up the car. Granny & Grandpa left first as they wanted to drive straight home. The Foteveryoungs and Lallybrochs stopped off at Sherwood Forest Visitor Centre to let the kids run around and learn a bit about Robin Hood and to see the Major Oak.

They then headed up the road to go and visit a friend for a few nights while Hubbie, Ethan and I drove as far as Leeds as we're staying overnight with Ethan's Godmother. We got there in time to meet her kids from school and to watch Tom play in his after school football club.

Three very excited boys then played together before crashing out in bed just before 10pm!

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