Happy Daze

By Dazed

Goodnight Sweet Tortoises

I know that I just posted a tortoise pic but I had to use one today because they're about to - gulp - go into hibernation for the first time.

Homer is at the front and our other tortoise, Dinky, is behind him. It may seem like a bad choice of name but he was dinky when we got him! I swithered over calling him Marge (even though I named Homer after the poet as I though something Greek and classical suited a tortoise) but I knew if I gave him a girl's name he'd turn out to be a boy, and he did. We have friends with a big male tortoise that's constantly dry-humping things and has the incongruous name of Daisy.

So this is them in the bath prior to going into hibernation in the fridge in the spare room. I will have to warn guests that there's no beer in there. It's only for a month as it's their first time but I shall miss them.

Goodnight - sniff - sweet - sniff - tortoises.

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