Although it is my day off I volunteered to help at the nursery and yr1 trip to the beach.
The Rev dropped me at the station to get the train in. We left school at 9 for our 2 hour coach journey....only 1 in tears and 1 vommitted!!!
As soon as we hit the sand the children were eating lunch!!! Then were keen to get in the water....the nursery teacher stood in the freezing sea for about an hour picking up children who had slipped over. Eventually I put on my swim suit to help out but only after I had got soaked!!!
It was all going well until one lad went missing....I literally turned round to grab another child's hand and when I turned back he'd gone....had he gone back to the group, walked along the beach, gone to the felt like 50 mins but it was only 5 and he had just walked along the beach a few metres but it was a panic!!!

At 3:00 we headed back to the coach for a smooth trip back to home at 6:30...absolutely exhausted but it was fun.

189/366.....a chance to enjoy the children's excitement....many of whom had never seen the sea.

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