Mother And Child

And here's the story:
For months now two doves have been living on the balcony, high above my head in a corner of the roof. I cleaned the balcony from broken eggs, tons of twigs and nisting materials, not to talk about the parasol and the floor covered with their droppings. It was never ending and a huge mess. I couldn't use the balcony anymore, not dry the washing etc. or sit outside.

I knew there had been at least one young (I heard it), and had made the decision to get rid of the nest when this young one was fully fledged.
Two days ago I decided it was time for some action - had not heard the young one for days.
I borrowed a 4 m broom from a neighbour and took the nest down -
to find a young dove still sitting in the nest. Can't tell you how bad I felt.
The young was already that big that I had mistaken it to be one of the adults, but it wasn't. It landed safely on the balcony and in an instant was hiding away in a corner between old flower pots.
I didn't know what do do. I couldn't get it out of it's hiding place.
After a while I noticed the parents sitting on the roof nextdoors and decided to do nothing and just watch what would happen.
And sure, not long and the parents landed on the balcony - guruguruguru - and the young would come out of its hiding place, sit in the middle of my balcony and they feed and feed and the young looks fine. The same today.

Only a few more days, I hope.....What would you have done? I hope the young survives, but I would really like to have my balcony back some time soon.

22:55; 22°C

Edit: Saturday morning and first thing face to face with a young dove on the balcony.
I will take up the cleaning after breakfast, sigh. But it's alive and looks great.

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